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I think most mature people understand that it’s reasonable for a blogger to earn income from their work. I think I’m lucky in that my audience tends to be very mature — immature people generally aren’t interested in personal development. To create a blog like this takes serious effort and a lot of time of writing and editing. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to earn an income from such work, but at the same time, I don't want to make this site "ad-heavy" as I believe it takes away from what my readers really want.
The great thing about blogs is, If you get no value from it, you don’t pay anything. What could be more fair than that? The more income this blog generates, the more time and effort I can put into it. I sincerely appreciate any and all contributions towards the success of this website.
The great thing about blogs is, If you get no value from it, you don’t pay anything. What could be more fair than that? The more income this blog generates, the more time and effort I can put into it. I sincerely appreciate any and all contributions towards the success of this website.